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How to overcome Exam Fear in Students

The major cause of fear for students are exams. There are students who commit suicide just because of exam fear. Exam fear and exam anxiety are things which are common among students of all age groups. Some are capable to overcome exam fear and exam stress in their own way. Some fall prey to effects of exam fear and go to depression, perf

What are the 5 Ways for Students to conquer the fear?

Fears are a normal part of childhood — and so is learning to overcome them. But kids with learning and attention issues may have more fears than other kids do. They may worry about failing at school, about not fitting in with other kids, about what the future holds for them or about problems that relate to their specific issues.

Importance of Education in Students’ Life

Better education is very necessary for all to go ahead in life and get success. It develops confidence and helps to build the personality of a person. School education plays a great role in everyone’s life. The whole education has been divided into three divisions such as primary education, secondary education, and Higher Secondary education. All th

How Attitude affects Students?

Despite its potential benefits, maintaining a positive attitude toward learning is often easier said than done and even frustrating at times.

When learning seems particularly difficult, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger

Ways to Improve Student Learning?

Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is a key factor in the success of students at all stages of their education, and teachers can play a pivotal role in providing and encouraging that motivation in their students. And that’s much easier said than done, as all students are motivated differently and it takes time and a lot of effort to learn to get a clas

Importance of Leadership Qualities in Students

Leadership plays an important role in every aspect of a student’s life. Students go through many stages in life for career development where they need leadership skills. In the modern world, students are facing many career challenges, employment problems, and conflicts between idealism and beneficial. That’s why they need leadership skills to accept cha

Why is there a need for Extra-Curricular Activities in School?

Today, the mounting pressure of proving academic excellence coupled with technology-dominated recreation has made our children lose interest in hobbies and other enrichment activities. Parents and educators are rarely seen encouraging the younger generation to pursue their dreams and passions. Instead, the focus is primarily on scoring high grades to facilitate adm