How to overcome Exam Fear in Students

The major cause of fear for students are exams. There are students who commit suicide just because of exam fear. Exam fear and exam anxiety are things which are common among students of all age groups. Some are capable to overcome exam fear and exam stress in their own way. Some fall prey to effects of exam fear and go to depression, perform badly in exams or even take extreme measures. First step would be to find ways to relax yourself before and during the exam. You don’t want to be too relaxed, of course. Ideally you want your mind to be highly focused but not overly tense.

1. Create a Plan:

Keep your brain aware of your daily routine so that it is always prepared to take the next action and has no time to think of the fearful sight of the exam. A good study schedule is enough to make you well prepared for the exams. You must list what you need to revise for each subject and then divide that by the number of days you have left before the exam date. Moreover, make a timetable for revision-which you can manage to achieve. If you have worked hard and are all set to take the exam then there’s no reason for you to be afraid of the coming challenge.

2. Eat Well and Rest Well:

Balanced diet is very important in a student’s life! Especially during exam time, balanced diet plays are crucial role in a student’s level of preparation. For human body to function efficiently, it is necessary to consume a balanced diet.

Taking rest will help us get recharged and refreshed. Lack of rest will lead to fatigue and burnout. Ultimately it will adversely influence your preparation schedule. To avoid this, ensure that your body and mind is getting adequate rest.

3. Do not compare with other’s preparation:

Students tend to phone up their buddies and chat about each other’s preparation (progress, level of preparation etc). While this is harmless to a large extent, this could also lead to stress and anxiety. Many students tend to get stressed out when they see their friends’ progress and level of preparation. To avoid this, focus on your preparation. Why bother about others when you have things to learn?

4. Take small, frequent study breaks:

Continually studying for long hours can make your mind and body stressed and fatigued which ultimately infuses fearful thoughts into your brain. Your brain will not be able to grasp any more information and this will add to your exam phobia.

So, break out your study schedule to break the monotony and do some mind refreshing and recreational activities like singing, watching your favorite T.V. series, chatting with your friends, playing games, having snacks, etc. This way your mind will get refreshed and recharged, and becomes ready to absorb in more stuff.

5. Think Positive and Stay Positive:

Meditation is a great way to bust stress! Doing it daily can do wonders! It will bring calmness and composure to your mind! If you don’t like to meditate, you may do other stress busting activities. Pursuing your hobby is a good option. Devote some time daily towards stress busting activities.

Throughout the exam preparation phase, it is important to stay positive. Believe that you’ll do well in the exam. Positive thoughts are known to keep negativity and stress at bay. Don’t let others demotivate you. Believe in yourself, follow the tips mentioned above and stay positive.

Working towards understanding the learning material and strengthening conceptual understanding is the best long-term strategy to pursue. After all, studying to learn, engaging in stimulating discussions and seeking advice and direction from mentors is a much more fun approach that memorizing the course material by heart.

School Information Initiative by Shakuntala Vidyalaya


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